Idaho REALTOR® Elections
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Lindsay Allen - North District VP
My name is Lindsay Allen and I am running for North District Vice President of the Idaho REALTORS organization. My passion for this position comes from my leadership involvement in not only my local Association (Coeur d'Alene Regional Realtors), but also with Idaho REALTORS. I am currently the President of CRR, but have participated in other board roles over the last 6 years such as Local Director, Secretary, State Director and YPN Chair. I was lucky to be elected as a local director in 2016 and the exposure to the board made me hungry to find other ways to serve our members, association, and profession. In 2019 I had the good fortune of being selected to the Idaho REALTORS Leadership Academy and graduated in 2020.
From this experience, I was exposed to the state level of leadership and happenings. Since then I have been appointed as an IR State Political Coordinator helping to pass legislation important to Idaho homeowners and IR members. I have also served on the IR Diversity, Equity and Inclusion (IRDEI) task force, and the IR Leadership Academy (IRLA) task force lending my thoughts and experiences to bettering these entities. All these volunteer endeavors and my passion for my industry helped me earn the 2021 CRR REALTOR of The Year award, and I was a nominee/finalist for that same year for IR ROTY. Most recently I have been a member of the 2022 IR State Convention Committee, which has been so fun to help create a statewide convention with all sorts of immersive events, and educational and networking opportunities for Idaho Realtor members.
I am running for North District Vice President because I want to help affect positive change for IR members in the panhandle area of our beautiful state. I want to strengthen relationships not just between the associations in our area, but also with our state-level leadership. I believe it's vitally important to have open communication and support flowing through local, regional, and state levels to ensure that our members are being given the best service possible and that our industry continues its pursuit of professionalism and community involvement!
If I am elected North District Vice President it will be my honor to serve REALTOR members in the panhandle and represent our interests regionally and statewide so that we can continue to foster our incredible culture of professionalism, giving, learning, and growing for whatever the next few years throws at us! I promise to visit, listen, learn, and support each individual association's needs. And I promise to be a resource to associations and members in our panhandle area so they can not just survive our ever-changing industry and economy, but THRIVE!
Thank you for the opportunity to earn your vote this year as North District Vice President.
Sincerely, Lindsay Allen
CRR President
2021 CRR Realtor of the Year

Amanda Keuspert - NAR Director